Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Book in Art

Even though this assignment is fairly straightforward, please follow these directions carefully. Also take a close look at the example. 

1. Choose three works of art currently on display at the National Gallery of Art made before the year 1900 that feature books, reading, writing, etc. Maybe there's just a lone book in the corner of the composition, maybe the book takes center stage. Once you start looking for books and evidence of "scripted culture," you'll see them everywhere. Some paintings depict multiple books. Bring that to your discussion if it's relevant.

2.  Take three photos of the work of art: one of the entire composition, one detail (close-up) of the book-object, and one of the museum label. 

3.  Write a short mini-essay about each piece you choose. This is not a research assignment; I want you to look critically and write critically. How does this book-object "work" to make meaning? Bring to your mini-essay your knowledge of book history, the kinds of things we've been reading in Howard and Cavallo & Chartier.

4.  Combine these elements on a single sheet of paper. You're not being assessed on design pleasantries, but try to lay it out on the page in a congenial fashion. 

5.  Proofread your work, print it, and bring it to class on Nov. 6.

Below is an example that should be familiar to you (sadly in black and white instead of the original color version) by a former student, Allie Nambo.

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